EVERY Business Has Problems! 
And the question is... Which one would you like to solve first?
When looking for the solution to your problems -- why would you consider buying a home study program, and relying on a cookie-cutter system -- when you can rapidly identify and resolve your specific and most pressing business problems on a live call with Jay Abraham...
Watch this video to learn about the process from Jay himself
Virtual Mastermind: 
"Elite Monthly Q&A Clinic"
Investing in a "general" marketing training programs is not the highest and best use of your time, energy and opportunity cost. 

Instead... gaining awareness on "situation-specific” answers, solutions, strategies and ingenious ideas that have worked wonders and produced blockbuster results for Jay's private clients who pay him up to $100,000 a day is the way to go...

In this live Q&A phone call based clinic, you'll participate with your own questions while having the rare opportunity to act as a "fly-on-the-wall" -- and experience Jay ruthlessly and systematically deconstruct the other participant's biggest business challenges -- and then reconstruct them into simple, clear, actionable steps they can immediately implement! 

Jay has repeatedly been paid up to $5,000 to answer a single business question... Now YOU can have his expansive (and expensive) business mind solve YOUR Most critical marketing and business growth questions once a month... for Only A FRACTION of The Cost!
Choose from one of the following two options...
Participant Package
One year access to PARTICIPATE and ask Jay your unique business questions (and everything in Auditor package).
Monthly Payment Option:
 $500/month for 12 months
Discounted Payment Option:
$4000 one time (save $2000)
Auditor Package
One year access to LISTEN IN on the live monthly calls, get the call recordings, and access to the program resources.
Monthly Payment Option:
$160/month for 12 months
Discounted Payment Option:
$1500 one time (save $420)
PLEASE NOTE: Many have asked why there is no button to sign up immediately. Here's the reason: Jay believes in preeminent, consultative selling which means we need to know more about you before we can make recommendations. Please book a call above for a stress-free evaluation of your business goals, and we can determine the right program for YOU!
Listen to what past participants had to say about 
Virtual Mastermind: Elite Monthly Q&A Clinic
Jay Solves High-level Business Questions 
for a Living...
Jay's favorite pastime is conducting marketing makeovers, business strategy restructures, reforming entire distribution models, and masterminding totally breakthrough access vehicles.

He created this special once a month problem-solving clinic for entrepreneurs who can’t afford his six-figure fees.

This is a way to pose one major challenge per call—and Jay will provide you with specific answers, solutions, strategies—complete with specific action steps to execute.

Everything is recorded, including the other 20 - 30 diverse issues fellow entrepreneurs pose to Jay on the calls.

This program is designed for ambitious entrepreneurs desiring and deserving more profit growth.

Take a moment to listen to the real-life examples from the clinic sessions above, then...
Read this personalized message from Jay below
Dear Entrepreneur,

Never before have I offered such an affordable way to learn from my “Rapid-Pace-Style” Q&A Hotseat methods that I've used over and over again... to resolve the biggest issues, challenges and opportunities for organization's and private clients around the world... until now!

Here’s why… 

Q&A Hotseats are intensive—requiring enormous focus, understanding, and verbal skills on my part—thus, they typically come with a premium price tag.

Historically, the only way someone could get a personal hotseat session with me was to "buy" a day of my time at $100,000 a day. 

My day-long private consultations ARE actually an 8-hour "Hotseat-On-Steroids."

OR people could attend one of my $25,000 per person, eclectic three-day live events where we deep dive into that business in a very collaborative way. 

I don't really do many seminars anymore. I might do the occasional keynote presentation for a worthwhile organization I want to support, but more often than not I'm more focused on my private client work these days.

I'm not saying this to brag. Honestly, I'm not. I'm saying this to set the stage for what the Virtual Mastermind: Elite Monthly Q&A Clinic could really mean for you...

So you may be wondering why I created THIS unique program where you can access me every month, and that you could more readily afford...

I'll explain.

I wanted to find a way to get exposed to as many diverse industries, markets, non-linear insights, and up-and-coming companies as possible, because I so missed the excitement and energy I get from working with them.

So I decided to create a totally new program with two very intriguing LIVE options you're going to hopefully love!

I think you'll be excited to investigate further once you've seen what I have in store for you on this page... and especially once you see the VERY modest price tag.

Before we get to the specifics of the program, I'd like to suggest you take a moment to study the testimonials and sample call I had my team assemble for you below.  

The testimonials are genuine, and the excerpts are REAL questions from REAL program participants--so you may learn a few valuable insights that you can use in your business!

I think by listening to them you'll find it encouraging to know that everyday business owners and entrepreneurs like yourself, from all walks of life, can benefit from spending just one session a month--completely immersed in conversation directly with me and several other inquisitive minds seeking to grow their business.

One thing I have to mention... this program is NOT for everyone.

The Virtual Mastermind: Elite Monthly Q&A Clinic is NOT for anyone who:

- Isn't committed to spending at least 2-hours a month to join the discussions live, or to listen to the replay of the calls and jot down insights and action items you uncover in the process...

- Isn't willing to try new marketing, selling, conversion, relationship tapping, and profit mining approaches that may be completely new to you...

- Anyone who is lazy about implementation, follow-up, persistence, and operating on a higher plane than most commoditized business owners.

If you're NOT intimidated by what I'm offering...

Again, listen to the callers "testimonials" and "real-life-question" examples assembled for you below, and decide for yourself if they sound like the type of people you'd like to learn with (and from).

Then reach out directly to Rob to ask him any questions you may have about the program using the contact button on this page.

That's it, pretty straightforward.

In closing, it's my sincere hope that any currently successful (or still aspiring to be successful) entrepreneurs who join... can grow their business from implementing what they learn in this Virtual Mastermind: Elite Monthly Q&A Clinic significantly enough, to one day be able to afford my more premium programs (my high level programs are designed to help you grow your business even further beyond what this program can provide, and beyond what you ever thought was possible).

With heartfelt sincerity, this is your best place to start on THAT path if you so choose.  See you on the calls!

"To grow your business, or not to grow your business... that IS the question!"

- Jay Abraham

Experience EXACTLY how THIS program can stimulate and grow your business —before ever investing a dime! Listen to this 30-minute sample of a live Q&A clinic with Jay!
"Virtual Mastermind: Elite Monthly Q&A Clinic" Details...
Calls are 2-hours long and held once a month. There are two call group options to choose from: one is in the morning at 10am; and the other is in the evening at 6pm (Pacific Time). If you can't make a call, every session is recorded for your convenience to re-listen to over and over again... and to profit from exponentially and continuously for years to come!

Participants get to participate in one live call group, and get the recordings of both sessions.  You will pre-submit your one biggest business question each month, and spend up to 6-minutes discussing it directly with Jay on the live group call. Whenever you can't make it on a call yourself, you can have your pre-submitted question posed to Jay by our call moderator. 

Please Note: Participant spots are limited. If this option is full, you can always ask to be added to the waiting list.

Auditors get to listen in on one live call group, and will also get the recordings of both the AM and PM calls. Hear participants from around the globe ask Jay their questions, and discover new breakthroughs. You can even apply your program payments towards upgrading to the "Participant Package" if you decide you're ready to "Get in the Game."

No matter what program option you select, this program has a path for anyone aspiring to greater business success!
Participant Package
One year access to PARTICIPATE and ask Jay your unique business questions (and everything in Auditor package).
Monthly Payment Option:
 $500/month for 12 months
Discounted Payment Option:
$4000 one time (save $2000)
Auditor Package
One year access to LISTEN IN on the live monthly calls, get the call recordings, and access to the program resources.
Monthly Payment Option:
$160/month for 12 months
Discounted Payment Option:
$1500 one time (save $420)
PLEASE NOTE: Many have asked why there is no button to sign up immediately. Here's the reason: Jay believes in preeminent, consultative selling which means we need to know more about you before we can make recommendations. Please book a call above for a stress-free evaluation of your business goals, and we can determine the right program for YOU!
Iconic Figures Who Also Benefited from 
Jay's Answers and Advice...
Jay is my mentor – I repeat what he says so that I make myself sound smarter.
Daymond John FUBU Founder
Jay is America’s #1 Marketing Wizard!
Harvey MacKay Legendary Entrepreneur &
NY Times Best Selling Author

Jay gave us the idea for Chicken Soup For the Soul.
Mark Victor Hansen Master Motivator & Co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul
Copyright 2018 - The Abraham Group, LLC