My purpose in life is to provide direction, guidance, advice and expert answers for ALL deserving, achievement-oriented business owners and entrepreneurs-----whose businesses are NOT living up to their true profit and performance potential.
I seek to plug them ALL into the minds and methods of Super Star, Legends that are true Game Changers in whatever it is they do.
I'm constantly searching for breakthrough thinking, performance-enhancing perspectives, specialized understanding of issues and challenges. I'm hunting for success-based,high-level achievers (whose masterful grasp of something) can meaningfully help people like YOU better navigate and perform in the volatile business world you compete in today.
The express goal of every interview I conduct is to evoke highly actionable insights, ideas, recommendations and advice that an entrepreneur in your situation can implement and apply, right now!
You are the beneficiary here—being exposed to a scope of rarified understanding that few other business people ever get to experience. The possibilities are boundless—if you are someone possessing a true prejudice towards action. Do something with what you’ll learn and you can prosper. Don’t and you won’t. It’s really THAT simple!
This compendium contains the full transcripts of all the interviews below along with 2 additional interviews... one with legendary basketball player and mega-mogul Shaquille O'Neal and another with famous actor and cult horror film legend Sid Haig.
All told there are over 100 pages of deeply inspiring and thought provoking ideas and insights contained in this compendium that will certainly help you understand and find unique ways to leverage your messages and your marketing in today's business environment.
Inside, you’ll also find two highly stimulating essays I wrote. One is on the lessons Steve Job stood for that YOU should model. The other is a provocative examination on whether or not you function as a Business Maximizer or a Business Diminisher.
It explores and explains the implications, advantages, disadvantages and dangers you may not recognize. It challenges your business worldview. It puts competitive advantage into majestic perspective.
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Daymond John is credited with creating the urban apparel market, Daymond John is the founder of FUBU & the branding guru on ABC's Shark Tank. A young entrepreneur, an industry pioneer, a highly regarded marketing expert, and a man who has surpassed new heights of commercial and financial success are just a few ways people have described Daymond John. Over the last 20 years, Daymond has evolved from one of the most successful fashion icons of his generation to one of the most sought after branding experts, business, and motivational speakers in the country.
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Bruce Buffer is the main octagon announcer for Ultimate Fighting Championship main events. On UFC broadcasts, he is introduced as the "Veteran Voice of the Octagon." He is the half brother of the well-known boxing ring announcer Michael Buffer, and is President and CEO of their company "The Buffer Partnership". Both Michael and Bruce are grandsons of late boxer Johnny Buff. Bruce is also a World Class poker player, a motivational speaker and owns multiple companies.
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Harvey Mackay is the author of the New York Times #1 bestsellers Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive and Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt. Both books are among the top 15 inspirational business books of all time, according to the New York Times. In total, Harvey’s books have sold 10 million copies worldwide, been translated into 37 languages and sold in 80 countries.
Harvey is a nationally syndicated columnist for United Feature Syndicate, whose weekly articles appear in 52 newspapers around the country, including the Chicago Sun Times, Rocky Mountain News, Orange County Register, Minneapolis Star Tribune and Arizona Republic.
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Josh Linkner, The New York Times Best-selling Author of Disciplined Dreaming: A Proven System to Drive Breakthrough Creativity has been confirmed as the keynote speaker for the April 17th AIM Institute Technology Celebration Banquet and Awards. Josh is the CEO and Managing Partner of Detroit Venture Partners. Together with business partners Earvin “Magic” Johnson and NBA team owner Dan Gilbert, Josh is actively rebuilding urban areas through technology and entrepreneurship. Josh is also Adjunct Professor of Applied Creativity at the University of Michigan, and he is also the Founder, Chairman and former CEO of ePrize, the largest interactive promotion agency in the world providing digital marketing services for 74 of the top 100 brands.
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I’m after engagement, actionability, follow-through, execution and implementation on your part of what you learn from these interviews. I don’t want to merely be someone’s intellectual entertainment.
In a few days, I'll contact you and give you an opportunity to be notified when more interviews like this become available and optionally send an invitation to this page to your business partners, colleagues or friends and family, who you think might also benefit from the ideas and strategies divulged here..