Forbes called Jay

Most Businesses are "successfully stuck" ...And Don't Even Know It!

They maybe achieving industry average (or even above average) revenue and profit performance; but don't even come close to reaping the fullest financial rewards their opportunity, effort and resources can achieve.

Jay Abraham knows better.

Jay is a world-class leading expert in helping founders and CEOs find underutilized, undervalued assets and leverage them into new opportunities that deliver big growth without large, risky spend. Through his multi-decade career as an entrepreneur, marketer, and consultant, Jay has helped thousands of business founders and CEOs turn reasonable investments into pre-eminent growth.

Read Jay Abraham's Bio

Recently, Jay has...

Helped a co-founder of Fed-Ex triple his new business

Helped a medical services company generate a $1.9M in net profits and 21 M in additional market value with just one no-cost strategy

Helped Japan's largest cosmetic surgery group grow from 1 to 87 offices

China's #1 candy company go from #9 to #1 in two years and received a $500M investment from Hershey's

Similar strategies are producing 6x revenue growth for an industry leading SAAS company

"Jay is the foremost strategist for companies in the world. He is the true marketing master."

Tony Robbins
Entrepreneur, Best-selling Author,
Life and Business Strategist

"Jay is all about thinking differently. He gives you the vision to get to the next level and beyond."

Arun Garg
Serial entrepreneur with 33 companies in his current portfolio

"Jay is a visionary for opportunity. He spots opportunities in ways people don't think are possible."

Eugene Shatsman
Preeminent thought leader in the optical and cosmetic medical professions

Socrates Said:

"The unexamined life is not worth living."

Jay Says:

"A business that is not constantly examined, re-examined, and measured — including both its tangible and intangible performance factors — is not worth owning."

If you are the CEO of a successful business, highly motivated to take your enterprise to outsized levels of growth and profitability. Let us assess your business to see the fullest impact a collaborating together can achieve.

Work with Jay

There are three ways to work with Jay:

The Abraham Path: Consulting with Jay

Work directly with Jay.

The Abraham path is a custom-designed engagement process through which Jay works directly with a company CEO to deliver step change growth. The initial engagement phase, which generally takes about 3 months, starts with the client detailing the essential components of their business and challenges. But then progress to a long term profit sharing partnership... It's Jay interrogating the entire business, uncovering hidden assets, overlooked opportunities, and underperforming revenue activities, that can be readily transformed into new found revenue increases and significantly multiplied profits.

Inquire About the Abraham Path

"Vantage Point" Think Tank

What's one mammoth breakthrough idea (acted upon) worth?

Jay pioneered three ways to give your business a strategy, market, business model, distribution channel expansion, preemptive/monopolistic advantage, JV-Partnering breakthrough or breakthroughs of the most mammoth kind:

  • Profit pivot immersive (covers 18 areas of high performance levers every business can access.)
  • Unique problem solving and opportunity mining clinics, that deliver highly actionable, customized solutions and strategies, that multiple revenue and profit performance without multiplying investment or risk.
  • Associate with an elite group. Plug into an enormous collective of outsized business brain power…
  • Year-long "Vantage Point" Think Tank Wicked Smart Panel Group Brain Trust
Inquire About "Vantage Point" Think Tank

Breakthroughs at the Beach

Business growth at the beach.

Jay's three day workshop, held in person in Southern California, where business owners work through their challenges in a group setting. Participants walk away with actionable ideas and plans to unlock step-change growth and profits. Breakthroughs features numerous guest speakers and consultants, friends of Jay who help inspire and energize attendees. It is often a starting point for more in depth business engagement.

Inquire About Breakthroughs at the Beach



Business Growth Wizards and Strategic Marketing Geniuses are NOT overpaid!

 It is fashionable today, especially for smaller business owners or entrepreneurs, to bash any non-tactical business expert who commands far “above-market-perception” fees and prices. These entrepreneurs think that these rare experts charge far too much.  Actually (and easily measurable), quite the opposite is true.The...

Access Denied!

One of the goals that I strive to achieve is challenging you (and your paradigm) in ways designed to grow your overall business might.  If you indulge me for a moment, I’d like to submit that—when your market doesn’t work for you or your selling doesn’t sell or your value creations don’t have value...

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Click on the photos below to learn what experts are saying about Jay Abraham

Jay is the foremost strategist for small and large companies in the world. He is the true marketing master.

Tony Robbins Master Life Transformer

Click Tony's photo to watch their video