In shade #19 you will find a combination of book recommendations/explanations we received from subscribers eager to contribute and share the book titles that helped transform or forge THEIR business or life philosophies. Due to the mass amount of submissions, only titles that received multiple recommendations made this list. Despite all the cuts, I’m pleased to present you with over 500 unique and spectacular titles! My staff took time and effort to organize these submissions into a format that helps you gain maximum selection advantage.

The list is organized alphabetically by book title. And, there are notations by book titles if they fall in the top 10-20-30% based on how many recommendations they received. I give you this list hoping it gives you a great springboard to multiply your dynamic knowledge base (and thus your competitive superiority as well as interpersonal growth) by orders of magnitude.

You all created this do now—enjoy!


PS — Want a quick peek at the “TOP 10”?

 1.  Think and Grow Rich – Napolean Hill

 2.  Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got — Jay Abraham

 3.  Rich Dad Poor Dad — Robert Kiyosaki

 4.  The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People — Stephen Covey

 5.  Awaken the Giant Within — Anthony Robbins

 6.  The Holy Bible — Various Authors

 7.  How to Win Friends and Influence People — Dale Carnegie

 8.  The Ultimate Sales Machine — Chet Holmes

 9.  The 4-Hour Work Week — Tim Ferris

10.  *There was a four-way tie:

Good to Great — Jim Collins

 Unlimited Power — Anthony Robbins

 The Sticking Point Solution — Jay Abraham

 The Richest Man in Babylon — George Clason


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