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50 Shades of Jay # 10 – A New Slant on The Strategy of Preeminence‏

My good friend and a partner, Robert Hargrove – known as a “CEO whisperer” to the Fortune 500 CEOs and leaders at the highest levels – has been thinking deeply about my Strategy of Preeminence for years. When he started following our 50 Shades Campaign, Robert thought it would be a good chance to give back. He called and said he had some good “builds” on my Strategy of Preeminence idea and I invited Robert to collaborate with what I had done—with complete creative license. What resulted is this 10th shade.

In this new take on my classic Strategy of Preeminence, Robert Hargrove gives new perspective and added depth by running it through HIS filters of expertise in advising high performing organizations. Robert uses examples from these bigger businesses to drive his points home, and he uses his probing question asking methods to forever challenge you to think how you can incorporate preeminence into every strategy your business needs and follows.

The Seven Secrets of a Strategy of Preeminence


If you like this resource and would like to know how you can access more of Jay’s thinking through his programs or private consulting, CLICK HERE to book time with one of Jay’s product specialists.

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