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The Ultimate Entrepreneur episodes are summarized and available for reference to help your business succeed.
Denny Hatch gives fresh commentary on direct marketing from possibly THE most knowledgable mind alive in that space.
The Mysterious JR is a summary distillation, encapsulated by a brilliant protege on HIS take on my recent journeys/exploits and business — and personal adventures
Brian Kurtz delivers priceless insights into direct marketing and the intricacies of sales and messaging.
Joseph Rodrigues is known for his deeply reflective and eliquently presented mind-map training videos. He is a champion and advocate for preeminent entrepreneurship
Finally, there is me, Jay, writing you thoughtfully reflective (hopefully exceedingly well reasoned) perspectives, from deeply impactful experiences and interactions I'm having all over the world.
TAGStaff is an archive collection of content curated by my staff for your continued value.

Business Growth Strategies on Steroids?
If you are serious about growing your business and want to learn more about available products and services, book time with one of Jay’s product specialists.