When the Mood Strikes
The Ultimate ongoing “Blog-athon”
I avoided writing blogs for years — for absolutely no good reason. Then as I evolved, I realized how much of a contribution THE RIGHT BLOGS — irrespective of whether I wrote them or accessed original ideas from other mammoth thinkers good be.

The Importance of Loving Everyone
Of all the “Hallmark holidays” I love Valentine’s Day the best. It takes the “gratefulness” from Thanksgiving and adds in “all love, all the time. ”And rumor has it that sex may be part of the deal too… but this is a “G-Rated blog… ”I started writing this blog on February 14, 2014, in honor and memory...

The Reports of My Death are Greatly Exaggerated
Good thing my Mom doesn’t read my blog because that subject line would have gotten her very worried… However, the author of that quote (today) is not me… nor is it Mark Twain. It’s from my good friend “Direct Mail.” I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that there is a huge appetite for testing this “new medium”...

Deeply and Irrevocably Personal…
“On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar” -David Ogilvy | The subject line of this email was the best eighty cents I ever spent… It served as a headline…

The Titan Who Saved the World
Believe it or not, the Titan I want to talk about this week is NOT a direct marketer! And while he’s pretty far removed from the usual folks I talk about in this space, I think about him often because I believe that without his decisive actions, none of us would be pursuing our dreams, with…

Email Marketing Lessons from the 12th Century
My first trip to Paris was three years ago… and I fell in love with the place. And as you might imagine, my thoughts turned to romance… gluten-free crepes (do they exist?)… and of course, email marketing. I’ve been back to Paris twice since then—both times to speak—and I actually did three interviews/videos for...

The Power of 100-0
Last week I had the honor of spending three days with 40 of the most heart-centered and highly skilled entrepreneurs, marketers, and copywriters on the planet who were all attending Titans Master Class (a one-of-a-kind mastermind). And there was one word that seemed to describe everyone’s overall philosophy about their...

The Politics of Direct Marketing…
You probably know by now that I never get “political” in these weekly posts… and I won’t start now… but since the lead story on the news every day seems to be about what is happening in our nation’s capital, I am reminded of a dinner I attended in the early 1990’s in Washington which on the…

Branding Without Getting Hives…
I will make the assumption that if you are part of my online family you are “one of us”… a serial direct marketer…and marketing terms like “branding,” “public relations,” and “publicity” give us the creeps, right? Our favorite question: “How are you going to measure THAT?” I recall a case of those...