Post Category: 50 Shades Of Jay
50 Shades of Jay — Shade 31 – The Super Shade
I’m a mad scientist and a marketing/strategic “savant.” I rarely pay attention to much else – – just ask my wife!Anyhow, since we’ve started the Fifty Shades of Jay Project, we’ve attracted an enormous number of new enthusiasts, none of which were ever asked to opt-in to get...
50 Shades of Jay – Shade 30 Chinese New Year Creates Surprising Prosperity Lesson 4 U
As you may or may not know, I conduct and record to video a 2-hour group video conference-based consulting session every month for/with about 40 entrepreneurs throughout China.This last week’s session was squarely focused on how entrepreneurs in a country suffering ruthless on-line and off-line competition, enduring a beleaguered...
50 Shades of Jay – Shade 29 Direct Response Greatness + Famous Sales Letter
Let me make today’s Shade simple and to the point, in Shade 29 you will be getting:A key chapter from a legendary book by one of the greatest direct responses minds that ever lived…And one of the greatest direct response sales letters ever written…The book’s title is “Secrets of Successful Direct Mail” by Richard...
50 Shades of Jay # 36 – Discover Your Biggest Opponent
I love unconventional, nonlinear, contrarian thinkers whose perspectives prove out, time and time again. Many, if not every one of us can learn from studying these mammoth minds, whose ideology and philosophy is usually unimaginably simple. In shade #36, I share with you two of those fine minds: Tony Robbins and coach John...
50 Shades of Jay # 33 – Mechanics of Reputation Management
Most business owners and professionals don’t look at technology and the internet as their worst enemy – but undeservedly, unknowingly, and intangibly, it can be dangerous to your business health and wealth. So too can be voicemail, auto-responses, and customer service departments in far away places, or under-performance...
50 Shades of Jay – Shades 25, 26, & 27 “London Broil” Three-Parter
The last three months I’ve been in nine countries (I know, I’ve mentioned this already a couple times — but bear with me!): Twice in Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Puerto Rico, Italy, ShangHai and twice in London. Almost all of these trips were done so I could do either Hot Seats, Problem-Solving Clinics, Challenge...
50 Shades of Jay – Shade #23 Nine Drivers – Upside Leverage At It’s Finest, 9X
Interestingly, when I embarked upon my odyssey into mentoring larger groups of entrepreneurs, I was probably a lot more “granular” and “clinical” in my analysis, explanations, and discovery of higher performing elements, factors, forces, and impact/leverage points that had the capacity of propelling a business’...
50 Shades of Jay – Shade #22 The Chinese Dossier For Your Eyes Only
You’ll like this.I just returned from ShangHai, where I did three solid days of $25,000 per person, 1-1/2 Hour Hotseats on stage – using two translators: one for me to the person ON the Hotseat, and one for them to respond back to my penetrating questions and marketing makeover recommendations. One of those two translators...
50 Shades of Jay — #21.2 Oops! We Left One Off Out of Shade #21… Here it is!
I’m embarrassed. I’ve been traveling mercilessly the last four months: Tokyo, Singapore, Malaysia, Tokyo again, Puerto Rico, DC, Italy, London (twice!), and just returned from Shanghai.Anyhow, while gone, I thought an editor had sent to my office the videos of two days of Keynote I delivered for the Wedding Planners...
50 Shades of Jay – #21 Jay Crashed Wedding Planners in Puerto Rico
It’s been a long time coming. We had a fun and rather different experience two months ago in Puerto Rico. I was invited to co-keynote at an exclusive confab of world famous wedding/event planners who do $1,000,000+ weddings. I keynoted day one. Seth Godin keynoted day two. I keynoted a form of problem-solving on day...