Dr. Paul Schoemaker: League of Extraordinary Minds Expert Panelist
Dr. Paul J.H. Schoemaker is the founder and Executive Chairman of Decision Strategies International, Inc., a consulting and training firm specializing in strategic management, executive development and multi-media software. He also serves as Research Director of the Mack Center for Technological Innovation at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he teaches decision making and strategy as a part-time professor.
Dr. Schoemaker took an extended sabbatical with the scenario planning group of Royal/Dutch Shell in London, and has since worked with over a hundred organizations around the world. He’s written more than 100 academic and applied papers, including multiple articles in the Harvard Business Review. He’ has also (co)-authored of several books, including Profiting from Uncertainty and Peripheral Vision.
His 1995 article, “Scenario Planning”, was the second most reprinted publication in the 42 year history of the Sloan Management Review, and is listed by among the most highly cited scholars in terms of academic publications in business and economics. Paul Schoemaker is also an active private investor in new technology-based ventures and serves on the Board of Directors for several of these, including the Decision Education Foundation.
His hobbies include tennis, golf and piano. He lives with his wife Joyce in Villanova, Pennsylvania and Ft. Lauderdale, Florida in the winter; they have two kids just out of college.